Let me guess. You are having a pretty boring weekend, right? There's absolutely nothing worth watching on TV and you find yourself just vegetating (is that a word?) in front of your computer.
Well, you're lucky enough to be in that situation. It means you have nothing to do.
No? Oh, so you have that tiny thing to do since last month? There's that friend of yours to whom you don't speak in ages? You've been too busy to even walk your dog?
Well...guess again. This is the perfect time to do all that stuff. You're not even enjoying your spare time. You are bored to death in that computer of yours. Reading this blog is acceptable, of course (!) but as soon as you're finished with it get up and get a life, ok? I mean, if you ARE bored and all.
It's actually really easy, you just need to get up and start doing things. Like, go and take a bath, call your friend and go grab a cup of coffee or whatever you like. A cappuccino is cool too. Call your dog (in this case, just yell or go to him...I mean, I believe he's a smart ass but I don't thing he'll answer the phone) and go do some exercise at the park near your house. You know? ENJOY your weekend! And tonight you won't be struggling with insomnia, I assure you that much!
It's raining outside? It's freezing cold? Well...what about getting friendly with your oven? Yeah! Bake a cake! It rhymes so it has to be a good idea (or not; it depends on how old you are and what experience you have cooking...please, be careful O.O)!
The thing is: if you are bored, don't be bored! If you are enjoying you're "vegetable" mode, well, embrace it! It's good to just do nothing once in a while.
Anyway, I hope you liked this post. More coming soon ;) have an awesome weekend!
See you later, alligator!
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